Peace and quiet
The Grosse Pointe Public Library has study rooms available for quiet collaboration and study.
- Study rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis to valid Grosse Pointe Public Library cardholders for up to two hours. If no one is waiting at the end of two hours, the period of use may be extended. Rooms may not be booked in advance.
- Priority is given to groups of 2-6 people.
- An adult (18 years of age) or older must remain in the study room with children under the age of 14.
- When all study rooms are occupied, and if a single person occupies one of the rooms, that person will be asked to relocate to another area in the library.
- Sign-in for use of the study rooms is at the Adult Reference Desk with a valid Grosse Pointe Public Library card.
- Study rooms may not be left unattended for more than 10 minutes. The library assumes no responsibility for the security of unattended personal items.
- Library behavior policies must be followed by users of the study rooms including no eating or cell phone use.
- A study room must be left in the same condition as it was prior to its use.
- Study rooms may not be used for commercial purposes.