Resources and Reopening Information
Emergency Broadband Benefit enrollment opens – May 12
The Emergency Broadband Benefit is an FCC program to help families and households struggling to afford internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. This new benefit will connect eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, virtual classrooms, and so much more. If you are with a community organization take a look at the marketing materials you can use to spread the word in your community.
As of May 12, 2021, eligible households will be able to enroll in the program to receive a monthly discount off the cost of broadband service from an approved provider. Eligible households can enroll through an approved provider or by visiting
Check out the Broadband Benefit Consumer FAQ for more information about the benefit and share information with those in your community.
State and Federal Agencies
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Michigan COVID-19 Hotline at 1.888-535-6136 or email
File for unemployment here
United Way – provides all types of assistance. Dial 211
MI Safe Start: a Plan to Re-Engage Michigan's Economy
Small Business Resources
Small Business Owners Guide to COVID-19 Relief Funding
Local restaurants offering carry-out/curbside
Grosse Pointe Chamber of Commerce listing
Eviction assistance -- Learn about Michigan's Eviction Diversion Program
Food insecurity
The Helm – provides meals on wheels for senior citizens – 313-882-9600
Grosse Pointe Public School System – distributing food weekly at North High School, 707 Vernier, Grosse Pointe Woods
Great Start Collaborative Detroit/Wayne County - Find Food For Your Family Today
Educational resources
Free online book for children about coronavirus
Find Fun-Daily Schedule of Online Fun & Learning
Mental Health and Mindfulness
StayWell Michigan Resources
Family support groups - Every Monday, starting September 6
Parents, are you feeling anxious about your family’s safety as COVID-19 keeps spreading? Would talking it over with other parents help ease your mind? Register for a virtual support group specifically for parents of children 18 and younger, hosted by our Stay Well counseling team. In this group, we talk about all topics relating to parenting during a pandemic. Sign up for one or more sessions at:
Support group for Michigan Educators – Every Tuesday, starting September 7
With COVID-19 still spreading, teachers and school staff may be anxious. If you’re an educator trying to maintain your own emotional well-being, you may find it helpful to talk to others facing the same stressors. Register for a virtual support group designed just for educators, hosted by our Stay Well counseling team. Sign up for one or more sessions at:
Support group for those who are grieving – Every Tuesday, starting September 7
If you lost a loved one during the COVID-19 pandemic, you may find comfort talking to others who are also working through grief and loss, trying to adapt to the “new normal.” We invite you to join our weekly virtual support group, hosted by our Stay Well counseling team. Register for one or more sessions at
Older adults support group – Every Wednesday, starting September 1
Do you know an older adult who might benefit from talking to peers about COVID-19 stressors? When it comes to the pandemic, we’re all in this together—but seniors often feel isolated and lonely. That’s why we offer a Stay Well support group specifically for seniors and older adults. Interested participants can sign up for one or more sessions at:
Support group for Teens – every Wednesday, starting September 1
Being a teenager can be hard – and when a pandemic keep disrupting your routines, it can be a lot harder. You may feel disappointed, depressed, and anxious. Our weekly virtual support group for 14-to-17-year-olds is a place where teens can anonymously vent their concerns, share their feelings, and find emotional support. Sign up for one or more sessions at
Healthcare Workers & First Responders Support Group – every Thursday, starting September 2
Healthcare workers and first responders: if the pandemic has left you burned out, anxious, or just feeling “off,” it may help to talk it through with others who know what you’re dealing with. Register for our virtual support group designed specifically for you, hosted by our Stay Well counseling team. Register for one or more sessions at: -- This special collection of meditation, sleep, and movement exercises are designed to help you keep a strong and healthy mind in the midst of this global health crisis. This resource is free to all Michigan residents.
The Family Center – 313-447-1374
Mental Health Resources for people of color
Substance Abuse Centers in Michigan
Local cities
Feeling sick? Call your doctor. And everyone should...
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Cough and sneeze in the crook of your elbow, or a tissue, then throw that tissue in the trash and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Safety Plan
Exposure Determination Categories for Grosse Pointe Public Library Employees
Category Medium Exposure Risk: All Library employees
The job tasks and procedures of all Library employees may require frequent or close contact (e.g. within 6 feet) with people who may be infected with SARS-CoV-2, but who are not known or suspected COVID-19 patients. Employees in this category may have contact with the general public.
Definitions (MIOSHA):
(a) “Close contact” means someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to specimen collection) until the time the person is isolated.
(b) “COVID-19” means coronavirus disease 2019, a severe acute respiratory disease characterized by symptoms including fever, cough, fatigue, and shortness of breath which may progress to pneumonia, multi-organ failure, and death.
(c) “Known cases of COVID-19” means persons who have been confirmed through diagnostic testing to have COVID-19.
(d) “SARS-CoV-2” means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the virus which is the causative agent of COVID-19.
(e) “Suspected cases of COVID-19” means persons who have symptoms of COVID-19 but have not been confirmed through diagnostic testing or persons who have had close contact with a person who has been confirmed through diagnostic testing to have COVID-19.
Plan for COVID-19
Exposure Prevention, Preparedness, and Response
The Grosse Pointe Public Library takes the health and safety of our employees very seriously. With the spread of the coronavirus or “COVID-19,” the Grosse Pointe Public Library must remain vigilant in mitigating the outbreak. In order to be safe and maintain operations, we have developed this COVID-19 Exposure Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Plan to be implemented, to the extent feasible and appropriate, throughout the Grosse Pointe Public Library. The Grosse Pointe Public Library has also identified a team of employees to monitor the related guidance that the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”), and Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“MIOSHA”) continue to make available.
This Plan is based on information available from the CDC, OSHA and MIOSHA at the time of its development and is subject to change based on further information provided by the CDC, OSHA, MIOSHA and other public officials. The Grosse Pointe Public Library may also amend this Plan based on operational needs. As further scientific and medical knowledge regarding COVID-19 is obtained, it is likely that we will need to adapt our procedures.
Responsibilities of Branch Managers
All managers must be familiar with this Plan and be ready to answer questions from employees. Managers must set a good example by following this Plan at all times. This involves practicing good personal hygiene and workplace safety practices to prevent the spread of the virus. Managers and supervisors must encourage this same behavior from all employees.
Responsibilities of Employees
The Grosse Pointe Public Library is asking every one of our employees to help with our prevention efforts while at work. In order to minimize the spread of COVID-19 at our workplace, everyone must play their part. As set forth below, the Grosse Pointe Public Library has instituted various housekeeping, social distancing, and other best practices. All employees must follow these. In addition, employees are expected to report to Library Administration if they are experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19, as described below. If you have a specific question about this Plan or COVID-19, please ask your manager. If they cannot answer the question, please contact Peggy Kitchel or Jessica Keyser.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) issued an emergency order on 11.15.2020 targeting indoor social gatherings and other group activities in an effort to curb rapidly rising COVID-19 infection rates. Under this order, indoor gatherings are prohibited at residential venues, except where no more than 10 persons from no more than 2 households are gathered. Such gatherings should be held consistent with guidance issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. Indoor gatherings are prohibited at non-residential venues. Limitations do not apply to gatherings between an employee and a customer for the purpose of receiving services or workplace gatherings that occur consistent with the Emergency Rules issued by MIOSHA on October 14, 2020.
OSHA and the CDC have provided the following control and preventative guidance for all workers, regardless of exposure risk:
- Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When soap and running water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Follow appropriate respiratory etiquette, which includes covering for coughs and sneezes.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Stay at least 6’ away from other persons, whether or not they are sick, whenever possible.
In addition, employees must familiarize themselves with the symptoms of COVID-19, which include the following:
- Coughing;
- Fever;
- Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
- Loss of taste or smell;
- Fatigue;
- Change in the color your toes;
- Early symptoms such as chills, body aches, sore throat, headache, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, and runny nose.
If you develop any of these symptoms, such as cough or shortness of breath, DO NOT GO TO WORK and call Library Administration and healthcare provider right away. Likewise, if you come into close contact with someone showing these symptoms, call Library Administration and healthcare provider right away. Please recognize that many people have the virus for several days before symptoms appear; other people are infected but do not demonstrate any symptoms.
Protective Measures
The Grosse Pointe Public Library has instituted the following protective measures at all branches.
- · General Safety Policies and Rules
Employees must complete the self-screening checklist before leaving home each day, including taking their own body temperature. If the employee answers “yes” to any of the questions, or has a body temperature over 100.4 degrees, they must not report to work, and must notify Library Administration immediately.
Employees will have their temperature taken with a touchless thermometer upon arriving at work each day by the Branch Manager or designee. If an employee’s temperature is above 100.4 degrees, they will be directed to notify Library Administration and go home.
- Any employee or contractor showing symptoms of COVID-19 will be required to leave the library and return home. Any patron showing symptoms of COVID-19 will be strongly encouraged to leave the library and return home. If they refuse, the Branch Manager should be contacted.
- Employees must avoid physical contact with others and shall direct others (co- workers/contractors/patrons) to increase personal space to at least six (6) feet, where possible. Where offices or internal rooms are used, only necessary employees should enter these spaces and all employees should maintain social distancing while inside.
- All in-person meetings will be limited. To the extent possible, meetings will be held over the phone or virtually.
- Employees will be encouraged to stagger breaks and lunches, to maintain a minimum six-foot distance between individuals at all times. Employees must wipe down any eating or food preparation surfaces with an appropriate cleaner when they are done.
- Employees should avoid whenever possible the use of co-worker’s computers and supplies. To the extent items must be shared, the Grosse Pointe Public Library will provide alcohol-based wipes to clean items before and after use. When cleaning supplies and equipment, consult Technology Manager Steve French for proper cleaning techniques and restrictions.
- Employees are required to wear masks at work until further notice. Homemade masks are encouraged, and the Library will have a limited supply for employees who do not have their own masks. When removing a mask, use the drawstrings from the back, rather than touching the front of the mask. Employees are encouraged to wash cloth masks at home each day.
- The Grosse Pointe Public Library will divide crews/staff into two (2) or more groups where possible so that projects can continue working effectively in the event that one of the divided teams is required to quarantine.
- The Grosse Pointe Public Library has created a Remote Work Policy. In person work shall be prohibited for employees to the extent that their work activities can feasibly be completed remotely.
- In lieu of using a common source of drinking water, such as a drinking fountain, employees should use individual water bottles.
Facility Visitors
Until further notice, no unscheduled staff/substitutes, family members, volunteers, or any other visitors will be permitted inside the buildings.
- Site deliveries will be permitted but should be properly coordinated in line with the employer’s minimal contact and cleaning protocols.
Personal Protective Equipment and Work Practice Controls
The Grosse Pointe Public Library will provide:
- Gloves: Gloves should be worn while cleaning or handling items that have not been quarantined. The type of glove worn should be appropriate to the task. If gloves are not typically required for the task, then any type of glove is acceptable, including latex gloves. Employees should avoid sharing gloves. Do not wear gloves while operating equipment with an entanglement hazard.
- Soap
- Hand Sanitizer
- Personal face masks/ face coverings are required unless they cannot be medically tolerated. The library will have a limited supply of disposable masks, but employees are encouraged to wear their own reusable cloth masks if available.
- NOTE: The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance.
Workplace Cleaning and Disinfecting
The Grosse Pointe Public Library has instituted enhanced housekeeping practices, which include cleaning and disinfecting frequently used tools and equipment, and other elements of the work environment, where possible. Employees should regularly do the same in their assigned work areas.
- Break/lunchroom areas will be cleaned at least once per day.
- Any trash collection must be done frequently by someone wearing nitrile, latex, or vinyl gloves.
- The Grosse Pointe Public Library will clean/disinfect those areas of the facility that a confirmed-positive individual may have contacted, and it will do so before employees can access that workspace again.
- The Grosse Pointe Public Library will ensure that any disinfection shall be conducted using one of the following:
- Common EPA-registered disinfectant;
- Alcohol solution with at least 60% alcohol;
- Diluted household bleach solutions (if appropriate for the surface).
The Grosse Pointe Public Library will maintain Safety Data Sheets of all disinfectants used on site
Facility Exposure Situations
Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19
An employee who tests positive for COVID-19 must notify Library Administration and will be directed to self-quarantine away from work. Employees that test positive and are symptom free may return to work when at least fourteen (14) days have passed since the date of his or her first positive test and have not had a subsequent illness.
Employees who test positive may return to work when authorized in writing to do so by their medical care providers. The Grosse Pointe Public Library requires an employee to provide documentation from a physician clearing his or her return to work under any of the conditions described in this paragraph.
Employee Has Close Contact with an Individual Who Has Tested Positive for COVID-19
Employees who have come into close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 (co-worker or otherwise) will be directed to self-quarantine for 14 days from the last date of close contact with that individual. Close contact is defined as six (6) feet for a prolonged period of time. When testing resources are sufficient and available then quarantine can end after Day 7 from exposure if the employee tests negative and if no symptoms were reported during daily monitoring. Quarantine cannot be discontinued earlier than after Day 7.
If the Grosse Pointe Public Library learns that an employee has tested positive, the Grosse Pointe Public Library will immediately notify the local public health department. The Library will conduct an investigation to determine co-workers who may have had close contact with the confirmed- positive employee in the prior 14 days and direct those individuals who have had close contact with the confirmed-positive employee to self-quarantine for 14 days from the last date of close contact with that employee.
When testing resources are sufficient and available then quarantine can end after Day 7 from exposure if the employee tests negative and if no symptoms were reported during daily monitoring. Quarantine cannot be discontinued earlier than after Day 7.
If applicable, the Grosse Pointe Public Library will also notify any sub-contractors, vendors/suppliers or visitors who may have had close contact with the confirmed-positive employee. If an employee learns that he or she has come into close contact with a confirmed-positive individual outside of the workplace, he/she must alert a manager or supervisor of the close contact and self-quarantine for 14 days from the last date of close contact with that individual.
OSHA Recordkeeping
If a confirmed case of COVID-19 is reported, the Grosse Pointe Public Library will determine if it meets the criteria for recordability and reportability under OSHA’s recordkeeping rule. OSHA requires employers to record work-related injuries and illnesses that meet certain severity criteria on the OSHA 300 Log, as well as complete the OSHA Form 301 (or equivalent) upon the occurrence of these injuries. For purposes of COVID-19, OSHA also requires employers to report to OSHA any work-related illness that (1) results in a fatality, or results in the in-patient hospitalization of one or more employee. “In-patient” hospitalization is defined as a formal admission to the in-patient service of a hospital or clinic for care or treatment.
Except for circumstances in which the Grosse Pointe Public Library is legally required to report workplace occurrences of communicable disease, the confidentiality of all medical conditions will be maintained in accordance with applicable law and to the extent practical under the circumstances. When it is required, the number of persons who will be informed that an unnamed employee has tested positive will be kept to the minimum needed to comply with reporting requirements and to limit the potential for transmission to others. The Grosse Pointe Public Library reserves the right to inform other employees that an unnamed co-worker has been diagnosed with COVID-19 if the other employees might have been exposed to the disease so the employees may take measures to protect their own health. The Grosse Pointe Public Library also reserves the right to inform sub-contractors, vendors/suppliers or visitors that an unnamed employee has been diagnosed with COVID-19 if they might have been exposed to COVID-19 so those individuals may take measures to protect their own health.
General Questions
Given the fast-developing nature of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Grosse Pointe Public Library may modify this Plan based on unique circumstances or changing guidelines from health or governmental officials. If you have any questions concerning this Plan, please contact Jessica Keyser
Tagged as: coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic